Make a Difference Today. Every Dollar Counts!

100% of your donation goes towards improving and extending the lives of your Bouviers.


Glaucoma is a genetic health issue in Bouviers that causes pain and blindness. BHF is sponsoring research to find a genetic marker for Glaucoma. Here is the BHF Research Proposal.

Donate to the Glaucoma Research Project


BHF’s mission is to provide educational materials, videos and  other resources to help Bouviers live long, healthy lives. We are able fund research opportunities relevant to our breed. Here is a library of educational materials and other resources.

Donate to the General Fund of the BHF

Donation buttons here allow you to donate via credit card and Paypal. If you would like to donate with a check, click here.


Ongoing health testing is vital to keeping your Bouvier healthy.  Each year, BHF contributes funds to Bouvier owners to make regular testing more affordable.

Donate to Health Testing