Leave a personalized paw print on the Bouvier Health Foundation remembrance page for the Bouvier that left a paw print on your heart. All donations will be used for research and education for the Bouvier Health Foundation.
Photo by Peakpx
The “Leave a Pawprint button allows you to pay using credit card or Paypal. If you would rather by check, click here.
You were my favorite Hello and my hardest Goodbye
To find your pawprint using a computer, hold down the Control button then select f, enter your dog’s name.
To find your pawprint using a phone, click on the three dots next to the url, then select “Find on page”.
Olive Macklin
You’re My Best Girl
Ramsses MJP RAW
Tugging at My Heart
Jewell Benetti
Forever in My Heart
He Never Gave up
Never Forgotten
You were amazing!
My Best Boy
Miss Him, Always
Loved Forever
Uncle Oscy
Most Noble and Loved
My Heart-Dog, Always
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You taught me much!
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